Beautifully toned and struck on a broad flan, and from the Archer M. Huntington Collection
Los 2001
Sextus Pompey, 43-35 BC. Denarius (Silver, 21 mm, 3.46 g, 2 h), Q. Nasidius, commander of the fleet. Massalia, 42-38. NEPTVNI Bare head of Pompey the Great to right; before, trident; below, dolphin to right. Rev. Q•NASIDIVS Galley under sail with six oarsman to right; helmsman steering rudder, hortator standing on prow; to upper left, star. Babelon (Pompeia) 28 and (Nasidia) 1. Crawford 483/2. CRI 235. RBW 1698. Sydenham 1350. Beautifully toned and struck on a broad flan. Minor marks and light scratches, otherwise, good very fine.

From the collection of Roman Imperatorial coins of Martinus J. L. Janssen, ex Gorny & Mosch 273, 19 November 2020, 437, Gorny & Mosch 253, 5 March 2018, 434, Gorny & Mosch 236, 7 March 2016, 377 and Triton XVII, 7 January 2014, 569, and from the Archer M. Huntington Collection, ANS inv. no. 1001.1.22849.

This beautiful denarius of Sextus Pompey recollects one of his father's greatest achievements, the eradication of the rampant piracy in a three-months naval campaign in 66 BC. With Sextus effectively commanding a naval empire in the years after the Battle(s) of Philippi, such imagery perfectly suited his ambitions and was clearly aimed at strengthening the loyalty of Pompey's veterans serving in his son's navy.
750 CHF
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